By Bob Ivkovic
September 15, 2013
Life Architecture could be the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself. I would like to think of it as a game changer, or more selfishly, a life changer. After all, we’re talking about radically changing your life. The challenge is that everybody is unique and no one else like you exists in the universe. We all have our own unique interests and aspirations in life. We all wear different fashion, do different jobs, hang out with different people, and live in different real estate. Some of us finally get a chance to build that dream home. This is probably the reason we hire an architect. An architect can design a house or palace that fits you. When it’s all done, you’ll get a place that reflects your lifestyle, family situation, and personal desires. What if you could hire an architect to design the life you want. Better yet, what if you could design and actually live it. That’s why we all need a Life Architecture to have a happier life.
Life Architecture is a new paradigm to self-discovery, including the discovery of a future you never knew existed. It helps you identify the possibilities and realize the benefits of a new reality. Of course, it requires you to get out of your old suit and into a new fashion. Change is a normal part of life. Radical change is a normal part of a great life. Life Architecture is a methodology geared to define a new future and implement an action plan to get you there. It’s an amazing journey that starts with who you are to where you dream to be. Life Architecture is your chance to live life to the fullest.
Life Architecture provides the opportunity to take many pictures of our life as we try to land on the right one. We start putting all the pieces together as we begin to understand what’s important to us. We will have a chance to swap out the bad things for the good. This reminds me of something I once read, “Life is like a camera. Just focus on what’s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don’t turn out, just take another shot.” Whoever thought that something called Life Architecture would allow us to do just that.
I remember I had commissioned a young artist to do a book cover design for me. Although she accepted the job, she said that she was not all that inspired as life had gotten in the way with its usual burdens. I found out that her little girl recently had eye surgery and she was worried about the outcome. I told her that kids are our biggest worry and that I could sympathize with her after going through a hard time myself with a daughter who had a learning disability and no motivation in life. I told her that I was still struggling to help my daughter. I’ve been through that and have learned to focus on the positives. And I’m still learning to deal with life. I consoled the young artist and told her to mark my words: “You will get through it.”
Of course, I couldn’t leave it at that. I explained to the young artist that Life Architecture allowed me to cope in a world where I had to expect the unexpected. Life doesn’t work with 100% perfection. The bad makes us appreciate the good. And it is our mandate in life to resolve the bad while always focusing on the good. As a military historian, I tell friends that they have to fight the battles to win the war. I told this young artist and caring mother that she would do the same and that everything would work out with her little girl because she had a caring mother. I shared a simple life secret: “Love and family are the key to a beautiful life. Just don’t lose sight of what is important, and that we live in an imperfect world.” It was now just a matter of getting the mother to believe it and face her challenges in a positive light. Life Architecture is the key.
Life Architecture is a structured approach to improve our lives and live the best life that we possibly can. A good Life Architecture starts with an assessment of your life today, and transforms it into the life you want to achieve. You have to give your life context – a reason for living, a reason for existing. The purpose of a Life Architecture is to make sense of your life. This includes processes you follow, actions you take, assumptions you make, outcomes you achieve, rules you live by, problems and challenges you tackle, and other life considerations. You have to rationalize all these life attributes in order to live a life that makes sense to you, and fulfills your desires.
You have one life, so live it to your fullest potential. Life Architecture empowers you to build that life. But first, you will have to develop a personal Life Blueprint. This will be the discussion of my next article.